(Please see the English version below)
teemana oli “Being, Doing, Participating”, jonka taustalla vaikutti kansainvälisen
toimintakyvyn, toimintarajoitteiden ja terveyden luokitus (ICF-luokitus). Teema
kattoi paljon esityksiä, luentoja ja postereita ihmisen toiminnan eri tasoista
esimerkiksi kuntoutuksen neurobiologisista prosesseista erilaisiin kuntoutuksen
innovatiivisiin menetelmiin, kuten pelien käyttöön kuntoutuksessa. Myös
ammatillinen kuntoutus, toimintakyvyn mittaaminen ja arviointi sekä teknologia
kuntoutuksessa olivat keskeisiä aiheita kongressissa. Kongressi ei ollut
myöskään sidottu yhteen ikäryhmään vaan rinnakkaissessioita oli tarjolla lasten
kuntoutuksesta työikäisten ja ikääntyvien kuntoutukseen.
tuntui vallitsevan yhteisymmärrys eri ammattikuntia ja tieteenaloja edustavien
toimijoiden välillä. Kaikilla oli yhteinen tavoite toimia ihmisen hyväksi omasta
asiantuntijuusalueesta ammentaen, ja päällimmäisenä kongressista jäikin mieleen eri
alojen edustajien keskinäinen arvostus ja ymmärrys siitä, ettei yksi
ammattikunta tai tutkimusala voi yksin ratkaista ihmisen toimintakyvyn,
toimintarajoitteiden ja terveyden kysymyksiä.
kongressissa myös tärkeitä ”F-sanoja” liittyen toimintarajoitteisten lasten
kuntoutukseen. F-sanat ”function”, ”family”, ”fitness”, ”fun” ”friends” ja
”future” kertovat, miten ICF luokituksen taustalla olevan ajattelumallin voi
tuoda hauskalla, helpolla ja muistettavalla tavalla lasten kuntoutukseen.
F-sanojen kautta voi tavoittaa ajattelumallin muutoksen toimintarajoitteesta
lapsen osallisuuden ja toimintakyvyn mahdollisuuksien näkemiseen.
Nämä f-sanat ottavat huomioon myös lapsen elinympäristön tärkeät elementit,
kuten perheen ja ystävät, ja kiteyttävät siis myös perhekeskeisen toiminnan
ajatuksen. F-sanat voivat ensin tuntua itsestäänselvyydeltä, mutta miten
todellisuudessa huomioimme näitä elementtejä lasten hoitotyössä tai
kuntoutuksessa? Miten voimme tukea toimintarajoitteisen lapsen osallisuutta
lapselle mieleisellä ja hänen elinympäristöönsä sopivalla tavalla? F-sanojen
luoja Dr. Gorter luennoi EFRR2015 kongressissa otsikolla lasten neurologinen
kuntoutus. F-sanat liittyvät oleellisesti myös TT-blogissa aikaisemmin
kirjoitettuihin teksteihin lasten kuntoutushoitotyöstä, oikeudestatulla kuulluksi ja osallistua päätöksentekoon, leikistä
ja peleistä.
EFRR2015 kongressi oli antoisa ja inspiroiva kokemus unohtamatta
verkostoitumisen voimaa! Lämpimästi voin suositella kongressia kaikille
kuntoutuksen parissa työskenteleville!
Lotta Kauhanen
fysioterapeutti, TtM, tohtorikoulutettava
Turun yliopisto, hoitotieteen laitos
Lotta Kauhanen
fysioterapeutti, TtM, tohtorikoulutettava
Turun yliopisto, hoitotieteen laitos
Kirjoituksessa käytetyt lähteet
Rosenbaum P
& Gorter JW. 2012. The 'F-words' in childhood disability: I swear this is
how we should think! Child: Care, Health and Development 38 (4), 457–63. doi:
EFRR 2015. 13th
Congress of European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation: Programme
http://www.confedent.fi/efrr2015/programme/ 12.5.2015
WHO 2015. Classifications:
International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). http://www.who.int/classifications/icf/en/
The thirteenth international congress for research in rehabilitation EFRR2015 (13th Congress of the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation) was held in Helsinki on 6th to 9th of May 2015. The purpose of the Congress was to share information and good practices of the biopsychosocial nature of rehabilitation from multidisciplinary and multi-professional perspectives. As the name suggests, the congress provided a forum for discussion for people involved in rehabilitation and rehabilitation research.
The theme of the Congress was "Being, Doing, Participating" which was built on the international Functioning, Disability and Health Classification (ICF classification). The theme covered many presentations, lectures and posters on different levels of human activity from the rehabilitation of neurobiological processes to a variety of innovative rehabilitation methods, such as games in rehabilitation. In addition, vocational rehabilitation, measuring and evaluating the functional capacity and rehabilitation technology were key issues. The congress was not tied to concerns about a certain age group, and there were parallel sessions available for topics such as children’s rehabilitation, rehabilitation for people of working age and senior rehabilitation.
Various professional groups and disciplines seemed to have a shared vision and understanding about rehabilitation. In rehabilitation, we all have a common goal to promote human activities, and we work using our own expertise for the common good. Hence, after the congress, on top of my mind is the mutual appreciation and understanding of different sectors. There is no such profession that could solve the human functioning, disability and health -issues alone.
In the congress, I also learned about six important "F-words" in relation to disabled children's rehabilitation. The F-words "Function", "Family", "Fitness", "Fun", "Friends" and "Future" propose how the thinking behind the ICF classification can be brought to children’s rehabilitation in a way that is fun, easy and memorable. Through these F-words, it is possible to change the paradigm from disability to seeing the opportunities and possibilities of a child's participation and functioning. These F-words also take into account the important elements of the child's living environment, such as family and friends and, therefore, the idea of family-centered rehabilitation is also reached. At first, F-words may seem obvious, but how well do we actually pay attention to these elements in children's healthcare and rehabilitation? How can we support the participation of a disabled child in a way that is fun and appropriate in his/her living environment?
As a whole, the EFRR2015 congress was a rewarding and an inspiring experience, not forgetting the networking! I can warmly recommend the congress to all of those working in the field of rehabilitation!
Author contact information and affiliations
Lotta Kauhanen
physiotherapist, MHSc, doctoral candidate
University of Turku, Department of Nursing science
References used in the text
Rosenbaum P & Gorter JW. 2012. The 'F-words' in childhood disability: I swear this is how we should think! Child: Care, Health and Development, 38 (4), 457-63. doi: 10.1111 / j.1365-2214.2011.01338.x.
EFRR 2015. The 13th Congress of the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation: Programme http://www.confedent.fi/efrr2015/programme/ Referred at 12.5.2015
WHO 2015. Classifications: International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). http://www.who.int/classifications/icf/en/ Referred at 12.5.2015
F-words in Rehabilitation - News from the International Rehabilitation Congress
The theme of the Congress was "Being, Doing, Participating" which was built on the international Functioning, Disability and Health Classification (ICF classification). The theme covered many presentations, lectures and posters on different levels of human activity from the rehabilitation of neurobiological processes to a variety of innovative rehabilitation methods, such as games in rehabilitation. In addition, vocational rehabilitation, measuring and evaluating the functional capacity and rehabilitation technology were key issues. The congress was not tied to concerns about a certain age group, and there were parallel sessions available for topics such as children’s rehabilitation, rehabilitation for people of working age and senior rehabilitation.
Various professional groups and disciplines seemed to have a shared vision and understanding about rehabilitation. In rehabilitation, we all have a common goal to promote human activities, and we work using our own expertise for the common good. Hence, after the congress, on top of my mind is the mutual appreciation and understanding of different sectors. There is no such profession that could solve the human functioning, disability and health -issues alone.
In the congress, I also learned about six important "F-words" in relation to disabled children's rehabilitation. The F-words "Function", "Family", "Fitness", "Fun", "Friends" and "Future" propose how the thinking behind the ICF classification can be brought to children’s rehabilitation in a way that is fun, easy and memorable. Through these F-words, it is possible to change the paradigm from disability to seeing the opportunities and possibilities of a child's participation and functioning. These F-words also take into account the important elements of the child's living environment, such as family and friends and, therefore, the idea of family-centered rehabilitation is also reached. At first, F-words may seem obvious, but how well do we actually pay attention to these elements in children's healthcare and rehabilitation? How can we support the participation of a disabled child in a way that is fun and appropriate in his/her living environment?
The creator of F-words, Dr. Gorter, gave a lecture in EFRR2015 titled “Focus on children's Function and their Future”. The F-words are also essentially connected to previous TT-blogs about gaming, play, the habilitation nursing of children and children’s right to be heard and participate in decision-making.
As a whole, the EFRR2015 congress was a rewarding and an inspiring experience, not forgetting the networking! I can warmly recommend the congress to all of those working in the field of rehabilitation!
Author contact information and affiliations
Lotta Kauhanen
physiotherapist, MHSc, doctoral candidate
University of Turku, Department of Nursing science
References used in the text
Rosenbaum P & Gorter JW. 2012. The 'F-words' in childhood disability: I swear this is how we should think! Child: Care, Health and Development, 38 (4), 457-63. doi: 10.1111 / j.1365-2214.2011.01338.x.
EFRR 2015. The 13th Congress of the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation: Programme http://www.confedent.fi/efrr2015/programme/ Referred at 12.5.2015
WHO 2015. Classifications: International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). http://www.who.int/classifications/icf/en/ Referred at 12.5.2015
Hei kiitos Lotta, kun välitit kuulumisia EFRR-konferenssista! Olisin varmasti ollut siellä, jos en olisi ollut NNDR-konferenssissa Norjassa :)
VastaaPoistaNoihin Gorterin F-sanoihin täytyykin tutustua, kiitos vinkistä! Vastauksia kysymyksiin lasten osallisuudesta olen muuten koonnut useista hyvistä tutkimuksista katsaukseeni, jonka esittelen lyhyesti suomeksi Vammaispalvelujen käsikirjassa:
Suomeksi (hieman lyhennettynä) katsaus löytyy THL:n Nuorten elinolot 2014 -vuosikirjasta:
Olisi kyllä mielenkiintoista kuulla lisää täällä blogissakin noista F-sanoista ja siitä, millaisia vastauksia konferenssissa kuultiin kysymyksiin lasten osallisuudesta.